Fragment of the time-Image of Myth_2022
KRW 12,000,000

I時代의 斷想-Image of Myth

Fragment of the time-Image of Myth_2022

60.6×90.9cm (30M)

acrylic on canvas


Business Name 앤드보리나(Andborina)

CEO 위희정 Wee Hee Jung

Business License 268-19-01378
Communication Sales Business Report

Address 강남구 언주로30길10, 현대비젼 923호
10, Eonju-ro 30-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

CS +82 10-4767-8610  AM 9:00 - PM 6:00

(Lunch PM 1:00 - PM 2:00 / Weekend and Holiday Off)

Terms of Use ㅣ Privacy


Business Name 앤드보리나(Andborina)  |  CEO  Wee Hee Jung

Business License 268-19-01378  |  Communication Sales Business Report 2020-서울강남-01482
Address 강남구 언주로30길10, 현대비젼 923호 / 10, Eonju-ro 30-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

CS +82 10-4767-8610  AM 9:00 - PM 6:00

(Lunch PM 1:00 - PM 2:00 / Weekend and Holiday Off)

Terms of Use ㅣ Privacy